What is The Billion Dollar BHAG Movement?

Why do this?

The past few years have been inconvenient for some, but extremely difficult for many.  Just a few miles from some of the most affluent neighborhoods in the USA, countless neighborhoods struggle to meet the basic physiological needs (food, water, clothing, and shelter) and safety needs (health, personal security, emotional well-being, and financial security) of their residents.

The churches and non-profit organizations that serve these communities were fighting for funding even before the businesses that support them were forced to limit their services, or even shut down, due to government mandates. These same businesses also employ many of the people who live in these neighborhoods. Now, inflation is multiplying the negative impact of all of these issues.

How to address this problem?

A “BHAG” is a Big, Hairy Audacious Goal – a goal so huge that it can only happen through miracles. A BHAG is the best tool to leverage against Big, Hairy, Audacious Problems, like the ones these communities are facing. The Billion Dollar BHAG Movement was created to be the rallying point of partnerships and financial support for the frontline non-profits, churches, and community leaders serving those who need them most.

What will it do?

Through partnerships and combined resources, The Billion Dollar BHAG Movement is committed to leading the way to provide One Billion Dollars to these organizations by the end of 2023, so they can properly support their own communities and become self-sustaining.

What will be the result?

The Billion Dollar BHAG Movement and our partners created a framework for communities to rebuild themselves by addressing the educational, food, medical, and spiritual deserts that have been created over the past 30 years. The results will be communities with lower crime rates, better jobs, healthier citizens, and a renewed hope and purpose. This revitalization of our once-strong communities is the blueprint for other communities to follow.